Mississippi 4-H Sportfishing: Reel in the Fun!
The Mississippi 4-H Sportfishing manual educates 4-H’ers on the basics of fishing as a form of recreation as well as a source of gathering local food for the family. The manual is divided into three chapters, each building off the other. Topics range from fishing basics to additional skills and knowledge that are useful for any angler to acquire and master.
Chapter 1 covers the most basic topics and principles needed to begin the journey toward becoming an angler. Chapter 2 covers more specific and advanced topics to give beginner anglers additional knowledge to further develop their skills. Chapter 3 covers a few remaining topics that are beneficial to 4-H’ers who have the ambition to become avid and lifelong anglers.
These chapters can be taught as the instructor sees fit based on the interest level of their group of 4-H’ers. For example, you may wish to simply introduce your 4-H’ers to the basics and provide them with a positive experience and view of fishing for recreation. Under this scenario, you may only want to cover the topics in Chapter 1. You can use some or all of the lessons in this chapter and end the lessons with a supervised fishing trip. After these introductory lessons and fishing experience, you may have 4-H’ers who show strong interest and would enjoy moving on to lessons in the subsequent chapters. However you choose to order the lessons provided in this manual, always make sure to make it a fun, safe, and positive experience.
To order copies of this publication, please contact your county MSU Extension office!