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State 4-H Council Application


Officer Position Descriptions


As president, your job is to help everyone in the club work together. You do all you can to make each member feel comfortable with the group. Group discussions are important to the club’s working together. You want everyone to participate. You will hesitate to put in your own ideas. You will watch, listen, and toss back to the group questions asked of you. Ask questions, and make the group think.

  • Plan business of the meeting with other officers and your volunteer club adviser.
  • Arrange to have the vice-president (or another person if necessary) preside if you cannot attend.
  • Know parliamentary procedure to conduct an orderly meeting.
  • Delegate responsibilities so that every member has some job in the club at one time or another.
  • Preside at meeting
  • This position is not voted on as the president-elect will automatically assume the role of president after serving as the president-elect.


You are the president’s assistant. You preside when the president is absent. As chair of the program committee, you work with the president and club adviser to involve the members in planning the program. Give the 4-H’er who is responsible for the program a reminder before the regular meeting. The elected president- elect will serve in this position for 1 year, then automatically roll into the position of president the following year.

  • Learn the rules of parliamentary procedure.
  • Learn the duties of the president.
  • Preside at meetings when the president is absent.


You keep a record of what the club does and handle its correspondence. As secretary, you will do the following:

  • Keep an accurate record of proceedings of all meetings—a record of what is done, not what is said.
  • Include date and place of meeting; number of members and visitors present; approval of previous minutes; all reports and what was done about them; all motions, with the name of the person who made them and whether the motions were carried or lost; and the time the meeting was adjourned.


The parliamentarian assists the organization in drafting and interpreting bylaws, specific to the needs of the organization. The role of the parliamentarian at a meeting is to be a resource to the chair, to assist the chair in the conduct of the meeting.


The reporter is responsible for letting others know about your club—the fun you are having, the work you are doing, and the help you are giving. Talk to your 4-H agent to learn the correct procedure to prepare and present club stories to the local newspapers and radio and television stations.

Song Leader

Group singing helps 4-H members feel more at ease and interested in the programs. As a song leader, you may stimulate enthusiasm or calm a noisy group, depending on your selection of songs. Learn fun songs and action songs to help your group put more life into its meetings!

Regional Vice President

There are four regional vice-president positions located in each of the four Extension districts. Your Extension agent will help you determine your district. The primary role of the RVPs is to be present at district-wide events, such as district Project Achievement Days.

Publication Number
