Congressional Award Medal Scholarships
The Congressional Award is the United States Congress’ award for young Americans. It is non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. The program is open to all youth in the US between the ages of 14-24. Participants have the ability to earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold Certificates and Medals. Each level involves setting goals in four program areas: Voluntary Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration. To receive a Gold Medal, participants must complete 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service, 200 hours of Personal Development, 200 hours of Physical Fitness, and a five-day, four-night trip for Expedition/Exploration. To receive a Silver Medal, participants must complete 200 hours of Voluntary Public Service, 100 hours of Personal Development, 100 hours of Physical Fitness, and a three-day, two-night trip for Expedition/Exploration. To receive a Bronze Medal, participants must complete 100 hours of Voluntary Public Service, 50 hours of Personal Development, 50 hours of Physical Fitness, and a two-day, one-night trip for Expedition/Exploration.
Congressional Gold Medal Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to entering freshman who are Congressional Gold Medal recipients. Students must provide the name and email address of their Congressional Award state representative to verify their status as a recipient. The letter must include the level obtained and the date received.
Congressional Silver Medal Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to entering freshman who are Congressional Silver Medal recipients. Students must provide the name and email address of their Congressional Award state representative to verify their status as a recipient. The letter must include the level obtained and the date received.
Congressional Bronze Medal Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to entering freshman who are Congressional Bronze Medal recipients. Students must provide the name and email address of their Congressional Award state representative to verify their status as a recipient. The letter must include the level obtained and the date received.